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Ordinances and Resolutions become part of the City of Kent’s Codified Ordinances. New ordinances will be added as they are adopted by the City Council.

All legislation must be read, by title only, at three separate meetings. Council may, by a three-fourth majority vote (or seven members), suspend the three readings. This would enable them to consider and pass legislation on the same night.

Emergency Clauses

Council may enact the "emergency" clause which allows legislation to become effective as of the date of passage. If they choose not to enact the emergency clause, legislation takes effect at a later date. Generally, unless otherwise specified, the least time allowed by law is thirty days.

Section 35 of City Charter

The Kent City Charter, Section 35 defines acts of Council requiring passage of legislation.

Legislation with Exhibits

Some legislation contains maps, deeds, or other items, known as exhibits, that are not available electronically. Those items are on file with the original signed legislation in the Kent City Council office, located at:
301 S Depeyster Street
Kent, OH 44240

Contact Us

City of Kent, Ohio
930 Overholt Road
Kent, OH 44240

Phone: 330.678.8100

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