The construction of a chimney swift tower along Haymaker Parkway near the Kent City Police Department provides a habitat for the migratory bird. The chimney swift nests in traditional brick chimneys and were once in abundance in the Kent area. However, as local architecture changed over time, and with the placement of guards over openings, many of their local habitats have been eliminated.
The monument chimney, along with its landscaping, provides a point of interest along the Portage Bike and Hike Trail. This public art installation also serves to help raise awareness of urban biodiversity.
The chimney swift tower stands at 20 feet and is made of red brick with white and black brick accents. The main chimney feature is the art tile depicting the chimney swift along with pollinator plants and insects, created by Kent artist Emily Ulm.
The project was funded in part through grants from the Ohio Department of Ohio Natural Resources, Kent Environmental Council and the Henry V. and Frances W. Christenson Foundation. Other donations came from Home Savings Bank, Howard and Linda Boyle, Edith Chase Symposium, Portage County Soil and Water, Metis Construction and several citizens.